The Past, Present and Future of Executive Search

Martin Crapper.

Executive Search is a robust business that delivers advisory and consultancy services providing executive human capital to clients across various industry sectors. According to the AESC’s (Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants) Executive Talent report, the industry has delivered sustained growth since 2010 and is set to see further advances.
The UK and Ireland is the largest market for Executive Search and leadership consulting in Europe, and the second-largest in the world. It benefits from London’s still prominent status as the European economic hub. According to the report, the technology sector is expected to see a 63% growth in 2016 with demand expected from the likes of Software, Cloud Computing, Telecoms, Automotive and Medical Arenas.
Executive talent acquisition is a sensitive and confidential process focused on the top leadership roles in an organisation. One of the key findings in the AESC’s report is that the crucial criteria to a client’s decision to hire, is being advised by Head-Hunting experts who can be trusted based on their in-depth industry knowledge and functional expertise, and their ability to engage with and then entice the best candidates locally and globally as desired.
Based on the AESC’s state of the industry data, the report estimates that the global revenues for the executive search profession have increased by 27.9% from $9.55 billion to $12.41 billion.
But what has led to such strong growth?
Executive search is preferential for highly confidential hires, board and also C-suite level positions, cross border moves, difficult or complex hires and generally where the remuneration level is above £100,000. The data also suggests that contingent recruiters are expected to see a decline in their growth as in-house talent acquisition departments continue to grow.
How can executive search companies become closer to their clients over the next five years?
The most important metrics related to the successful search processes include more sophisticated and results-orientated search processes. Diversity has also become more of a prominent issue. Clearly a delicate factor, and one that varies across different organisations, but it is the foreground of many initial executive talent conversations.
Executive Talent in 2020
Over the past five years, the executive search and leadership consulting profession has continuously proved its value to clients, as clearly demonstrated through the increase in global revenues. The report found that the two most important reasons for selecting an executive search company are the Consultant’s and the Company’s industry knowledge and focus, functional and geographic expertise.
The desire from clients with historical industry knowledge and expertise continues to push executive search and leadership consulting to add increased strategic value. As a result of these relationships, clients see broader value in working with external executive advisors who specialise in executive talent, thus driving the demand for leadership consulting services. For this demand to be maintained, it must be serviced by experts, presenting an opportunity for the profession to expand, broaden and diversify.
Overall, the executive search profession is stronger than ever, with growth opportunities emerging through the need for new skills, the emergence of new executive roles, new markets for executive talent, aging demographics, and the changing needs of clients who are witnessing significant changes in their business strategies which are impacted by trends such as globalisation and digital transformation.
Opportunities, Threats and Future Trends
At Redline Executive, we respond to our Clients’ requests by providing unparalleled technical and industry knowledge, focussing on high technology jobs, including CEO, Managing Director, CTO, and Technical Director jobs, whilst equally delivering honesty, transparency, and taking a genuine interest in our Clients’ businesses. Because of this we are personally witnessing huge growth in demand for Executive assignments in the technology sector.
For further information on how to partner with the Redline Executive team please contact Redline’s Search Partner, Martin Crapper at
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